Introduction of the curators, the participants in the project are introduced.

Lungomare, 19.00 h


Lungomare is organizing a research week about the theme Symbolic Actions for our present. The starting point of the project is an alternative reflection on the current and social relevance of the concept of “monuments”, meant as a thought space. The place of action and the theme are the city of Bolzano-Bozen and South Tyrol in their inexorable characteristics and possibilities for future development: the way different cultures live together and interact. In the space of a week curators, architects, theorists, writers, historians, journalists and philosophers will formulate their opinions and initiatives on the theme. The research week – set out in a series of conferences, discussions, roundtables and guided tours of the city – constitutes the first part of the project. In the second phase during the year 2011, Lungomare will invite the artists, architects and designers: Brave New Alps, Jacopo Candotti, Helmut Heiss, Eva Mair & Katherina Putzer, Maja Malina to come up with a collective project on this theme. The project is curated by Angelika Burtscher and Daniele Lupo. The roundtables are held in collaboration with Christine Helfer, Giorgio Mezzalira and Waltraud Mittich.

Lungomare initiated the project "Symbolic Actions for our Present" out of the interest to connect the concepts "living together" and "monument" - apparently two opposed notions and contents - and to use this contradiction to start a certain consideration and action together with the artists, designer and architects. The project is meant to be a long term research project during the year 2010 and 2011.

Basic concept, August 2010